Taum Sauk Section of the Ozark Trail

Monday, September 24, 2012

Cedar Waxwings

 One of our early "Birding" moments in 2005, when these Cedar Waxwings made a pit stop in our young oak tree, which is quite a bit larger these days.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

More Missouri Hikes

 Johnson Shut Ins
 Johnson Shut Ins
 Hawn State Park -- this tree was seen on the brochures for many years. It's gone today.
 Current River at Owl's Bend
 Current River at Owl's Bend
 Mina Sauk Falls
 Mina Sauk Falls
 Mina Sauk Falls
 Mina Sauk Falls
 Mina Sauk Falls
 My wife and Advanced Squad Leader Opponent, Scott Waites head down Mina Sauk Falls.
 Mina Sauk Falls
 View from Proffitt Mountain
 The Devil's Tollgate
 Taum Sauk section of the Ozark trail in the heat of summer can be grueling...
 On Proffitt Mountain
 View of the Taum Sauk Reservoir before it's 2005 collapse.
 Hawn State Park
 Trace Creek Section of the Ozark Trail
 Trace Creek Section of the Ozark Trail
 Trace Creek Section of the Ozark Trail (remember hearing a lot of machine gun fire all morning long. Hillbillies were busy...)
 Trace Creek Section of the Ozark Trail
 Trace Creek Section of the Ozark Trail
 Pike Run Trail at St. Francois State Park
 Pike Run Trail at St. Francois State Park